OK so I made the executive decision yesterday that Erynn was no longer going to have a bottle. She was having one before bed then whenever she needed during the night. I was over her chewing down the teet and going in to milk all over the sheets in the morning. I popped her into bed at 7pm and she spent the next 2 hours in hysterics. It wasnt until 9.15 that she fell asleep then she was awake again at 11.30 and spent the next hour crying. At 12.30 I went in and told BJ to get me some nurofen and the rescue remedy. Once she had these she went to sleep and we didnt hear from her until 6.30 this morning. I am existing on 5 hours sleep at the moment.
One my way to work I called in and grabbed some naughty foods and a lean cuisine for lunch. Funny thing is i ate 1 small choccie bar but consumed 3 coffees and a diet coke. I dont drink coffee but so needed it today.
Work was intresting. My new boss arrived after only being told yesterday that he wasnt going to have a full time PA. Not a happy man, He was lovely to me but really let the HR manager know he is PISSED. So I am going to do my best at helping him realise that this is a good thing.
Stick to your guns re the bottle. She does not need it now. She will adjust really quickly...AS LONG AS YOU DON'T GIVE IN and give it back to her! If you do that she will very quickly learn that if she screams long enough she will win.
ReplyDeleteJust saying.
Had 8 kids.
I should know!
Be consistant with everything you do/say to a kid and they will be just fine.... it's when you dick them around by changing your mind that they become little horrors and play you for a fool!
And believe me, I've seen some fools in my day!
Stew my husband is one of them!
He says : "Don't do that again or...",
then 2 minutes later the kid does it again.. and he again says "don't do that again or I will...." and it goes on and on and on! Stupid man.
I just say it once.... and the kids KNOW I mean it... and don't do it again! Amazing.
AND follow through.. if you say no... mean it! Don't give in "just this once" cos believe me, it won't be 'just this once' cos the kid has got your number by then!
OOOO look at that... I gave you a lecture! Sorry!