Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hello Hello

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited. I have decided to become an Intimo Consultant. Intimo are a great Australian company that sells fabulous lingerie at great prices and they go up to a size 24F. There is nothing better than being properly fitted for bra's by a professional and feeling comfortable in them. The company encourages women to run there own business with support from a great team of people in melbourne. Jump on the website ( let me know if your interested to hold a party and score some great hostess benefits.

I am heading home tomorow to check on my dad. He was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer just before christmas and I want to go and physically check on him myself. Am looking forward to the trip.

Erynn's 3rd birthday is at the end of this month. I cant believe its been 3 years already. Most of you lovelies have been a part of my life since B.E - before Erynn and your friendship, guidance and support are immeasureable. The gorgeous Chris from Diet Coke Rocks is making a gorgeous duck for her 3rd birthday present and i am so chuffed that its being made by someone who has had a positive impact on my life with regards to motherhood. If I can be half the fabulous mum that Chris is then Erynn will turn out OK!!!!!!! Pop over to Chris' website and have a squizz - they are gorgeous and I was the first one to order a couple off her.

Anyhoo, better do some work


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention girl! I just hope Erynn likes her duck!
    I hope your Dad is ok, I understand that with an older man gets Prostrate Cancer it actually does not shorten their life by much at all! It's only when a young man gets it that it is really bad! Weird.
