Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hello and G'day

OK so I have decided to open a blog again. The reason for this is that I am going to make some really good changes in my life and I want to document what I have been through, what I am experiencing and what I want for my future. I am so excited about all the possibilities. Also, the reason I have invited you all into my world is because I have known you all for some time and love your humor, wisdom fabulousness. I know that when I need support your all there with it and in such a way that I never feel as though I am being judged, just loved.

Anyhoo, I have made the decision to really make an effort with regards to my weight. I have not been happy with it for quite some time and the only person that can change things is me. No-one else but me. I am in control and need to be held accountable. We own a treadmill and cross-trainer and last year I bought the Zumba pack. I know what I need to do I just need to do it.

We are now settled in Canberra and loving it. I have an awesome job that is paying me an awesome wage and am so excited about the new challenge. It's a government position (thanks to the aussie tax payer for paying me!!!) and its in an interesting area. BJ and Erynn are doing really well and will start at their respective work places this coming monday.

Over the next few days I will be adding more to my blog and adding a few photos so that you know why I need to make changes.

Hope your all well




  1. Great to see you off to a positive start :-). Having a good income, helps, at least it spares you of financial stress eating and you get to eat well, not have to skimp on good food and you can reward yourself with non calorie treats for effort. :-). May everything keep looking rosy for you :-)

  2. I see.. you have sent Eynn out to work eh? LOL.... WELL that's what it sounded like!
    Onward chick... you rock!
